Acting isn’t merely a creative playground. You, the actor, are the conduit for the shared experience between the story and the audience. The quality and authenticity of their experience is in direct proportion to your own. Your job as an actor is to bring the audience through the experience with you, by delivering a truthfully alive performance arrived at through deep commitment to craft.


I’m Gary Wolf. A professional actor, director, voiceover artist and private acting coach with over thirty years experience working in the industry. As an actor, I’ve worked on stage and screen with some of the industry’s most elite talent including Russell Crowe, Ryan Gosling, Reece Witherspoon, Paul Rudd, Gary Sinise, and Nick Turturro. I’ve directed award winning off-broadway stage productions in New York and Los Angeles. And I’ve helped hundreds of actors maximize their talent over the twelve years I’ve worked in commercial casting.

Bottom line: I can help you book more acting roles and build the career you are seeking.


Based on my core philosophy above, an actor’s mindset when preparing for an audition should be: “I’m not going to an audition. I’m going to have an experience.”  Casting directors, producers, and directors don’t want to watch an audition. They want to watch a human being having a real experience. Any actor can walk in a room and replicate their idea of what a character is going through. Only a trained actor can have a real experience.

And that will land you jobs.

When a successfully trained actor walks into an audition room and truly lives the experience of the scene, it lights up the eyes of the casting director, producers, and director, because they know they are in the presence of a real actor. A trained actor. And even if you don’t book that particular job, you have put them on notice that their story can be told truthfully through you. That is to say… their project can be trusted in your hands. Professionals in the industry never forget those faces. And they’ll bring you back time and again. Not only has that been my experience as an actor, but during the fifteen years I’ve spent directing and running casting sessions, I’ve never forgotten any actor who showed me their ability to come in and truly live the scene.

My goal in coaching you for auditions and for booked jobs is to unlock your full potential to truly live the role, and build the career you are seeking. I very much look forward to working with you.

Available for in person and online sessions. For more information on booking and rates:

Email: gwolf57@gmail.com

Mobile: 323-369-6512